Monday, September 10, 2012


Wow! It's been kind of crazy the last couple months. I haven't blogged in forever! 

For a while I felt like so bad,,, I didn't want to be blogging boo hoo hoo all the time so I just stopped.
As of today, I am 169 lbs according to the Drs scale. That's 85 lbs. (on my home scale I am 164 - I like mine better) I'm doing pretty good now. I'm eating and not having too much pain. I have learned that I have to eat slow!!! Seriously you can't imagine how ridiculously slow and. I have to read labels! 
I will update on something's. I went to the ER a few weeks ago. I had gotten a bug and started diarhea (oh no she didn't just say it - oh yes I did- its the hardcore truth here on my blog). 
That started on a Thursday. It continued thur, fri, sat, into Sunday. I was not able to eat or drink. I called the barbaric unit and spoke w/ the on call surgeon and he told me to come in. As soon as I got to the hospital they were hooking me up with IVs. I got the around 1 and was admitted and in my room by 3:15. My potassium and magnesium were dangerously low, I was severely dehydrated and in danger of other complications! I had what called a banana bag, 5 bags or potassium and 3 bags of magnesium and lord knows how. Many bags of regular IV fluid. It was crazy. Well I was there for 3 days. Turns out I had a.  Virus the normally would've been about 24 hours but my system. Just couldn't get rid of it. I wasn't able to eat and get nutrients. It took about 2.5 weeks to finally get over it!!
So after that craziness .... I started getting constipation issues!! They put me on an antidepressant that is supposed to increase your appetite and cause constipation, yes the DR did this to me on purpose!!! And you can stop taking antidepressants cold turkey. So anyway I saw the DR a couple weeks ago and they were very pleased with my progress. Was also told to keep taking the anti depressant but they let me go Down to a 1/4 of a pill. The side effects were sleepiness, crankiness, and just down right meanness!!! Much better w/ a half. Stuff suffering with constipation... I guess I'll figure this out with time just like everYthing else. 
I've figured out what I can and can't eat. How. Much I can eat and how slow I have to eat and chew chew chew!! These things arent really anything someone can tell you. I've learned everyone is different. Some people can even eat sugar... Not me! I licked frosting on a cupcake ugh was I sick! It's sugar free for me!
So what can I eat?? Everyone asks this, I'm eating a lot of protein bars. Luna are my fav! Chocolate peppermint and white chocolate macadamia nut. They are sweetened with pure cane juice and I tolerate them well. If I eat them too fast I get nauseas so I savor them. :-)
I eat small amounts of chicken, salads, some fruits, cooked veggies, I find vegetarian food is the best! I've had vegan hot dogs and sausage and meatballs. Turkey is good too. Beef and pork NO!!!
I can eat popcorn! For some reason I can eat a lot of popcorn! It takes me an hour but I can eat a personal size bag! And love it!!! 
Mainly just trying to stay healthy - trying to get my 2-3 bottles of water in a day and trying to eat so I don't get sick.
Started exercising again and login it! I'm doing a circuit workout at church. It's not a strenuous on my torn tendon as curves, Zumba, and other aerobic classes have been. I get a great workout at my own it! 

On the mental side of it all.... 
I see the progress in the mirror, I see it in my close but I don't feel it. I don't feel any different. 
I'm not sure if this is normal or not. 
And then there are the times I look in the mirro and don't see it and I look at myself and Im so disgusted. There is skin hanging from my arms and my thighs are huge because of skin. 
In my head I KNOW I'm healthier and look better. I guess it's going to take a while for my head to catch up with my body.
My prayer is that several years from now - I will not have gained the weight back and I will be feeling like a new person and acting like it. I don't want to ever go back to the old eating habits. 
I know I have to eat right and exercise the rest of my life. And take all those supplement! It's really  not that bad! 
I will try to blog again soon to update on how it's going! I see the dr in October sometime, so maybe that will be when I update. 
Thanks for reading my blog! 
weeks ago, they were very pleased with my progress and told me to keep taking the antidepressant. I lowered to a 1/4 a pill because it was making me angry and cranky and. Sooooo sooooo sleepy. 
For some crazy reason still have some reflux issues too! I was told that the surgery cures reflux.. I don't get the burning or heartburn feeling any more. It just feels like something is down my throat,  
I have had a few issues with a couple foods,,, I know I can't eat pork yet and milk! I have eaten things with eggs in it but haven't eaten eggs themselves yet since I threw up. I have not tried beef yet and I'm kind of scared to after the pork incident! 
What am I eating LOTS of protein bars!! LUNA are my fans!!! They have a chocolate peppermint and white macadamia nut! Yum! I eat cliff bars and Atkins bars! I have to read every label and make sure no high fructose corn syrup make sure it's only traces of sugar. The more organic and all natural the better! Gluten free is awesome too! I eat salads. Some fruits. No apples :-(
I have some nausea meds I take when I get to feeling yucky. Usually if I eat too much or too fast or get too much protein to quickly.

I am finally exercising again! I still have a torn tendon in my left ankle so I had to be careful what I chose. An awesome chick at church started a circuit type class at church twice . It's great! I can baby my foot and. Still get a great workout! And I know this is key to success! 
 After running curves for so many years I know exercise is important not just for weight loss but over all health! I hope this class keeps going a long time!! I hope to be able to add other exercise
 soon!  (Zumba!!!!!)

I'll share some stuff from the mental side of this..
Overall health wise I'm feeling great

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